Or is it one of the stepping stones to escaping the rat race?
I remember a few years back, when in my thirties, subscribing to Sierra magazine and was in awe of all the backpacking trips they sponsored through out the year.

It made me research who the founder of the Sierra Club, John Muir, was and how he lived.

 According to the Sierra Club he was a  farmer, inventor, sheepherder, naturalist, explorer, writer, and conservationist - was born on April 21, 1838 in Dunbar, Scotland. Until the age of eleven he attended the local schools of that small costal town. In 1849, the Muir family emigrated to the United States, settling first at Fountain Lake and then moving to Hickory Hill Farm near Portage, Wisconsin. John Muir Biography While is parents made him work hard when he was younger he eventually developed a hungry for the beauty around him.

How does this fit with the title of this post? First off I must point out I am not talking about giving away everything and living a life of poverty. That to me is not necessary, especially in the light of what Jesus said in John 10:10 "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)" AMP

The minimalism I am talking about is not only "stuff" but also being in debt, working more and more hours to buy more "stuff" and probably other things I have not thought of yet.:)

John learned to enjoy God's creation without the distractions modern man seems to think he needs. I call them distractions because they, for the most part, do not make or break your life. Cell phones, the internet, houses, clothes, vehicles, ipads, computers, email, career jobs or any other latest and greatest gadgets.

While I am on this subject did you know most of what you think you have to have has been drilled into you by advertising? Interesting subject but will save for another post.:)

One aspect of escaping the rat race is removing stress and one small step toward that is down sizing or minimizing which in many ways removes the so called "responsibility" society puts on us.

Here are a few things one can start with:

Turn Off Your Tv or Your  Computer
Remember when reading or enjoying yourself out side used to be so cool? While I realize for many of us there might be withdrawal symptoms doing this in steps, 1 or 2 days a week, might be the best way.

Get Rid Of Debt and Stop Creating More
Especially in a relationship debt can cause the most stress. But this goes hand in hand with the first suggestion of turning off your tv. Most folks are in debt because some advertiser convinced them they are just not with it unless they have (fill in the blank).

Quit Comparing Yourself To The Neighbors
He who "has the most toys wins" is the biggest lie since the federal reserve system. While it is wonderful to have and enjoy nice things dump the concept of doing or having because someone else you know has it to.

There are hundreds more I am sure but to be honest this is where I am starting. I don't believe God intended for us to be stressed out and not enjoy life and getting rid of the junk and stressful debt is a good place to start.


    My name is Curtis and I will be your host on this journey.



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